Resilient Minerals

Selenium 2000

High Selenium Yeast 2000 is an organically-bound mineralized yeast produced from the cultivation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain.

Selenium yeast provides superior cellular antioxidant support, immune support and benefits for maternal health, brain function, and thyroid health. Our resilient selenium yeast is the closest food-form of selenium for superior bioavailability, absorption and stability in formulations. Selenium Yeast 2000 contains 21 selenium compounds, including three natural forms of selenium (selenomethionine, selenocysteine and methyl-selenocysteine) which directly feed the metabolic system.

We also offer SelenoExcell High Selenium Yeast 1200 which has been used in more than 15 clinical studies. Click here to learn more about SelenoExcell.




Functional Foods & Beverages 


Infant & toddler nutrition 

55-200 mcg/day








Selenium 2000 is an organically-bound gluten-free high selenium yeast originating from a non-GMO Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain. During its growth, it creates compounds resembling food forms of selenium, similar to those found in Brazil nuts, eggs, peas, and meats.

Selenemium 2000's yeast fermentation process replicates the natural course in which plants absorb and transform minerals from the soil into a more bioavailable form, supporting the nutrition and health potential of selenium. 

Core Benefit Areas

Maternal Health

Reproductive Health

Prostate Health

Immune Health

Cognitive Health

Thyroid Health

selenium yeast is absorbed

Up to 90%

Selenium 2000 is a powerful addition to formulas

  Potential health claims for high selenium yeast 2000 include:  

May act as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger, protecting cells from oxidative stress 10, ‡

May support production of sperm and enhance sperm quality 12, ‡

May provide immune function support 13, ‡

Lower toxicity and higher in digestibility, absorption, and retention than other forms of selenium 3, 4, ‡

Choose Selenium Yeast 2000

  • 100% organically-bound resilient selenium (no free or inorganic selenium). 
  • Cultivated from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain to contain 21 selenium compounds, including three natural forms of selenium (selenomethionine, selenocysteine and methyl-selenocysteine) which directly feed the metabolic system. 
  • Closest food-form of selenium for superior bioavailability, absorption and stability in formulations. 
  • Nutrient rich containing contains B-vitamins, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and beneficial amino acids.  
  • Lower toxicity and exhibits higher digestibility, absorption, and retention than other forms of selenium. 

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[1] Selenium: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals: National Institutes of Health (Accessed May 22, 2023)

[2] The use of high-selenium yeast to raise selenium status: how does it measure up? Rayman MP. Br J Nutr. 2004 Oct;92(4):557-73. doi: 10.1079/bjn20041251. PMID: 15522125. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[3] Digestibility and chemical species of selenium contained in high-selenium yeast. Yoshida M, Sugihara S, Suenaga T, Naito C, Fukunaga K, Tsuchita H.. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2002 Oct;48(5):401-4. doi: 10.3177/jnsv.48.401. PMID: 12656215. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[4] Bioconversion of inorganic selenium to less toxic selenium forms by microbes: A review. Xingling Nie, et al. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., March 13, 2023 Volume 11-2023 doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1167123 (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[5] Selenium: Fact Sheet for Consumers: National Institutes for Health (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[6] Selenium fortification of infant formulas: does selenium form matter? Lönnerdal B, Vargas-Fernández E, Whitacre M. Food Funct. 2017 Nov 15;8(11):3856-3868. doi: 10.1039/c7fo00746a. PMID: 28991311. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[7] Clark LC, Combs GF Jr, Turnbull BW, Slate EH, Chalker DK, Chow J, Davis LS, Glover RA, Graham GF, Gross EG, Krongrad A, Lesher JL Jr, Park HK, Sanders BB Jr, Smith CL, Taylor JR. JAMA. 1996 Dec 25;276(24):1957-63. Erratum in: JAMA 1997 May 21;277(19):1520. PMID: 8971064. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[8] Clark LC, Dalkin B, Krongrad A, Combs GF Jr, Turnbull BW, Slate EH, Witherington R, Herlong JH, Janosko E, Carpenter D, Borosso C, Falk S, Rounder J. Br J Urol. 1998 May;81(5):730-4. doi: 10.1046/j.1464-410x.1998.00630.x. PMID: 9634050. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[9] Influence of Selenium-enriched Yeast Supplementation on Biomarkers of Oxidative Damage and Hormone Status in Healthy Adult Males: A Clinical Pilot Study Karam El-Bayoumy, John P. Richie, Telih Boyiri, Despina Komninou, Bogdan Prokopczyk, Neil Trushin, Wayne Kleinman, Julie Cox, Brian Pittman, Steven Colosimo; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1 November 2002; 11 (11): 1459–1465. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[10] Comparative effects of two different forms of selenium on oxidative stress biomarkers in healthy men: a randomized clinical trial. Richie JP Jr, Das A, Calcagnotto AM, Sinha R, Neidig W, Liao J, Lengerich EJ, Berg A, Hartman TJ, Ciccarella A, Baker A, Kaag MG, Goodin S, DiPaola RS, El-Bayoumy K. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2014 Aug;7(8):796-804. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0042. Epub 2014 Jun 17. PMID: 24938534; PMCID: PMC4125492. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[11] El-Bayoumy K. Mutat Res. 2001 Apr 18;475(1-2):123-39. doi: 10.1016/s0027-5107(01)00075-6. PMID: 11295158. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[12] The effect of oral selenium supplementation on human sperm motility. Scott R, MacPherson A, Yates RW, Hussain B, Dixon J. Br J Urol. 1998 Jul;82(1):76-80. doi: 10.1046/j.1464-410x.1998.00683.x. PMID: 9698665. (Accessed May 23, 2023)

[13] The influence of selenium on immune responses. Hoffmann PR, Berry MJ. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Nov;52(11):1273-80. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.200700330. PMID: 18384097; PMCID: PMC3723386. (Accessed May 23, 2023)